In the labyrinth of life, some individuals face an extraordinary array of health challenges, weaving a tapestry of ailments that seem insurmountable. Debra Korn, a resilient soul and a Naturopathic Doctor, emerged from the shadows of chronic illness to become a beacon of inspiration and healing. Her story, rooted in a childhood marred by persistent...
There are many illnesses that now fall under the category of ‘Autoimmune Disease‘. Around 8% of Americans are affected by this syndrome, which amounts to more than 24 million people in this country. Currently, there are around 80 diseases that are considered autoimmune, and the number keeps growing. Included in the autoimmune category a...
What Is Autoimmune Disease? While your immune system’s primary responsibility is to protect your body from infection and other forms of illness, sometimes this system turns on itself. When this translation occurs, your immune system begins attacking your healthy cells because it identifies them as foreign materials. The symptoms of autoimmune dis...